A Martial Arts and Dance Studio
Alaska Moving Arts Center
Tai Chi Chuan / Kung Fu is based on softness and awareness (rather than force and resistance) T'ai Chi Chuan (also referred to as Tai Chi, Tai Ji, or Taijiquan) has been recognized for thousands of years as both a method of self-cultivation and an unexcelled form of self defense. Practiced at a slow and even speed, Tai Chi promotes relaxation, straight posture, and balance. T'ai Chi movements are widely acknowledged to help calm the emotions, focus the mind, and strengthen the immune system. In a very real sense, T'ai Chi helps us to stay younger as we grow older, thus making an outstanding contribution to our overall health and well-being.
SATURDAYS 11:30-1:00
Aaron Roberts, instructor
Cost: $80.00 per month payable to the instructor plus annual AMAC $40.00 registration fee